2023 Rate Sheet (Confidential)

            The following rates are quoted for guidance to our clients for cost plus agreements and additional service cost on cost plus agreements.  We will be pleased to discuss the scope of work for any proposed project or additional services and will quote on a fixed price or a "not to exceed" basis.  Big project prices may be negotiated and the results may not be based upon hours.



$ 325.00 / hour              Expert Witness (Testimony – depositions and court time)

                                       For Depositions, minimum 4 hours payable in advance, anything

                                       over 4 hours payable immediately after deposition.

                                       For court testimony, minimum 8 hours payable in advance, anything over 8 hours

                                           payable immediately after testimony.

$  135.00 / hour             Principal (reports, investigations, calculations, design, drafting, project management, client contact and work  involving a Professional Engineers Stamp)

$  92.00 / hour               Junior Engineer (calculations, design, drafting, & client contact)                

$  82.00 / hour               Technical Assistant (drafting, checking & site measurements)

$  65.00 / hour               Air Travel Time (for all the above skills)

$  43.00 / hour               Clerical (word processing, deliveries & client contact)



1.5 x hourly rate            Over 8 hours straight will be charged at 1-1/2 times the stated rate above.

1.5 x hourly rate            Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays charged at 1-1/2 times stated rate above.

2.0 x hourly rate            Over 12 hours straight will be charged at 2 times the stated rate above.

A 10% discount is available on labor for customers with multiple boats that are requiring our services.



            Disbursements (subcontractors, postage, plane fare, car rental, blueprinting and other materials) will be charged at actual cost plus 5% markup.  Markup factor = [1/(1-0.05)] = 1.0526 for disbursements.  Mileage is at 60 cents per mile plus above markup.  When applicable per diem expenses (meals and incidentals) are charged based on the location involved.  For Guam the per diem is $ 92.00 per day. Per diem rates are based on http://perdiem.hqda.pentagon.mil/perdiem/pdrates.html.   

            Unit charges for specific items are as follows: Letter size copies 17 cents each, color $1.10 each.  Letter size report printouts are charged at 55 cents per page for black and white and a $1.10 per page for non-photo color ($2.20 per page for color photos).  Tabloid size printouts are charged at $1.10 per page for B & W and at $2.20 per page for non-photo color.  Cost for CD ROM burning is $11.00 per unit.

            The Hawaii State 4.712% Excise Tax is to be added to bill whenever it is applicable.  For resale by another engineering firm to the client a 1/2% Hawaii State Excise Tax is added.  If you are exempt from this tax please notify us prior to starting the project and provide the section of State Tax Code under which your exemption applies.


Effective Date: 1/01/2023