Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, Computer Aided Design, Drafting and Digital Photogapy Services - Hawaii Marine Company

Hawaii Marine Company Banner Pictures, Ships, Boats, Tug, Catamaran, Diesel, Piping
Hawaii Marine Company
45-302 Makalani Street,
Kaneohe, HI, USA   96744-2819
Ph. (808) 291-0348   Fax (808) 247-6443
Hawaii Marine Company - naval architecture, boat & yacht design,  marine engineering, maritime expert witness, marine photography, NAVIC 10-92 submittals, nautical systems, professional engineer, stability tests, computer aided design and drafting services Ship, barge, boat, yacht and catamaran design calculations, technical reports and drawings for NVIC 10-92 submittals. USCG and ABS certification work, nautical systems, weights and moments, stability tests, computer aided design, drafting, maritime expert witness and phtography services.
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Hawaii Marine - Group #3
CAD/CAE Samples

Large Ocean Going Barge

Fiberglass Power Yacht

CAD Index  |  Sample Set 1  |  Sample Set 2  |  Sample Set 3  |  Sample Set 4