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Owner's Requirements Form (English Units)

Description: This template is used by ship design engineers, yacht designers, commercial boat designers and naval architects to gather information required for design from prospective clients boat and ship operators.  Information from this form is also often useful to marine surveyors and insurance agents.

Electronic Document Type:  Microsoft Word document          Cost: Free

Number of Pages: ten pages                        

Inputs: Too many to list all of them here.  Download the free document to check them out.  In general though inputs include owner contact information, vessel's principal dimensions, operating conditions, operational gear, propulsion information, regulatory information, hull characteristics, structural material, electrical and electronics systems, tank and piping systems, ventilation and AC information, safety features required, accommodations, budget allocations, financing and insurance issues.  If applicable fishing vessel gear, tug, trawl and salvage operational data, cargo characteristics and sailboat features.

Outputs: The owner's answers to the above inputs.

Suggested Reading:

  • Ship Design and Construction, by SNAME

Terms: Prior to purchase, read our End User License Terms.

Download Now: Click the following link or button to download the zip file.
Free Download

Minimum System Requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/Windows7

Sample: A sample document is shown below.